“Agnes Nivot is a traveller of continents and human soul. She cultivates a kind of archeological fiction in her sculptural art work which essentially expresses itself through almost primitive forms and sober shades.There remains the beautiful diversity of material, essential.
Every piece modeled with a chosen clay for its colic and its texture appears as a kind of memory symbol or as a ritual of man’s first creations, historic or imaginary…In brief from the megalith circle to the Chinese ‘bi’,the image of heaven and supreme power, from primitive Egypt to Atlantis…
The work of clay draws here a continuous circle of meditation about oneself’s origin and infinity  of asceticism.”

Jean-Francois Juliard



法国艺术家联合会在中法建交50周年之际,举办“法国艺术之旅”系列展览。这次模式新颖的主题艺术展销会将在上海的三个地标性文化场馆中拉开帷幕,他们分别是:陶华苑(TAO ART GALLERY),上海琉璃艺术博物馆(LIULI CHINA MUSEUM),设季荟.拉法耶艺术设计中心(LAFAYETTE ART & DESIGN CENTER)。